It seems the most common definition of the verb to
teach in many people's minds is something like: "to place knowledge in
someone else's head." How this is meant to be done is a big question.
Surgically? By injection? Using hypnosis or osmosis?
Hard to know, but certainly the definition is both
misleading and self-defeating. Even the dictionaries get it wrong. Merriam
Webster's online dictionary says it means "to cause someone to know
something." Again, how? You can throw all the information you want at
someone, but to "cause" them to "know" it? I don't think
so. The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary definition seems much closer to the truth:
"to give lessons to students in a school, college, university, etc.; to
help sb learn sth by giving information about it." [my italics]
As teachers, we can't cause anything, but we can certainly do
everything possible to help our students
learn what they need to know, and keeping the following points in mind
may help.
If there's a gap in your knowledge – and of course all
of us have many gaps – admit it up front, then work with your students to fill
that gap. By saying "I don't know, but let's find out," you are
showing your students that learning is a never-ending process, and that their
learning is as much in their own hands as it is in yours. Lead them to the
tools they need and let them have at it. Rather than forcing knowledge on them,
you are helping them to learn in ways that will stay with them throughout their
Learning to Real Life
For some students, exams and the expectations of
parents and teachers may be enough of a motivation for learning. But for many
more, if they don't see a personally relevant reason for learning something, it's
going to be hard going. Help your students see how English (or math, or
geography, etc.) actually connects to their own interests, ambitions and
abilities. Music is a huge motivator, as are computer games, movies and TV
shows. Some of the best sports teams come from English-speaking countries. Find
out where your students have met road-blocks in their own lives due to lack of
knowledge, then demonstrate how the knowledge you are offering to share with
them will help them get past those blocks.
It Fun
Agreed, classes can't be all fun all the time. There
are coursebooks to get through, exams to prepare for, exercises to check and
assignments to explain. But students who are more relaxed, who are actively
enjoying themselves rather than passively tolerating the situation, are far
more likely to retain the information presented to them. Take frequent breaks
from "serious" classwork. Have students bring in jokes, puzzles or
short games to share. Stop and chat for a few minutes (in English) about something
that your students care deeply about. Don't forget that learning anything is
hard work, and that easing the pressure will make it that much easier. Which
leads us to:
Put Yourself In Your Students' Shoes
"Why are they so distracted? Why can't they concentrate?
Why don't they care??" I know all teachers ask these questions all
the time, but surely you remember what it was like? If you think you don't,
make a conscious effort to remember your schooldays. Children have problems at
home or in their social groups, just as adults do, and these can make learning
much harder than it should be. Adolescents and teens are full of raging
hormones, new ideas, outrageous temptations and unbearable pressures. Maybe you
and your school subject are among the things that are driving them crazy. This
doesn't mean that you need to give your students a free pass, or write them off
as unable to learn. Just try to keep in mind what they are going through day by
day, remind yourself that their behaviors and attitudes are not aimed
specifically at you (probably!), and try to make it clear that you are there to
help them achieve what they can, not pour a lot of useless knowledge into their
heads. In other words, give them the respect they deserve and they will return
the favor.
Would you like to share your ideas to make more interesting
classes? E-mail us and we’ll get your ideas on our Blog Talk page.
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